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NEW MEETING TIME! 10:30 am every Sunday
Hardy Diagnostics, 1430 W McCoy Ln, Santa Maria, CA 93455
Follow our services, events location, sermon topics on YouVersion Bible App or on Facebook

To better communicate with our congregation, we use YouVerison Bible app. Please use the links to the right to access and install the free app.
Once you download the app to your phone or tablet, click "More", then "Events". You will see Central City listed with location, times, sermon topics, mission, values, vision, Facebook link, and lyrics for the worship music we will sing! Save the trees!


Mission - What is God calling us to do?

  • Worship God

  • Make disciples of Jesus Christ

  • Love our neighbor

  • Develop missional leaders 

Values - Why are we planting a new church? What are our motives?

  • Christ centered

  • Evangelistic worship

  • Next generation

  • Tireless hospitality

  • Relational maturity

  • Ambitious discipleship

  • Leadership development 

Vision - Where is God taking us? What are the mountain tops that we are pursuing?

  • Covenant Partners - Reach 1% of the city

  • Incarnational groups - Four flourishing city groups in 18 months

  • Transformed City - People trust us, crime goes down

  • Younger Leaders - 100% of our leaders invest in younger leaders

Why are we planting a new church? What are the motives? Let's expand on what we with what we value.

Central City Church believes the following things.

CHRIST-CENTERED: (1 Corinthians 2:2; Revelation 7:9-17) 

We belong to Jesus, the Crucified and Risen King, in life and in death, in body and soul.

We are called to turn away from our sinful ways and to live for him in freedom and gratitude.

We make all our decisions to honor him; Jesus is the pioneer, the process, and the prize. 


EVANGELISTIC WORSHIP (Jeremiah 29:5-7; Luke 10:27; 1 Thessalonians 2:8)

We believe that every person and every tribe should know and honor Jesus.

We pray for people who have yet to believe to feel welcomed by us and open to him.

We each share the gospel as a diverse, sent community of faith, hope, and love.

NEXT GENERATION (Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Psalm 78:4) 

We don’t expect young people to come to us; we look out for them as our younger siblings.

We invest in them so that they can become healthy, mature believers who will do the same.

We love to listen to them, encourage them, mentor them, and model what it means to follow Jesus 


TIRELESS HOSPITALITY (Matthew 20:25-28; Galatians 6:9; 1 Peter 4:8-10)

We welcome others the way Jesus has welcomed us at his table. 

We show how much we love God by how we treat the stranger and the vulnerable among us.

We seek to build trust with everyone by listening, serving, and loving our neighbors 


RELATIONAL MATURITY (Ephesians 4:1-2; James 1:2, 26) 

We believe that spiritual maturity is relational maturity.

We grow in maturity as we take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.

We find out how healthy we are by how we handle conflict 


AMBITIOUS DISCIPLESHIP (Joshua 1:8-9; Prov 3; Matthew 18:15-20; 28:19)

We follow Jesus where he leads us and engage in his mission at the risk of losing our own life.

We choose adventure over safety and courage over fear because we are baptized in Christ.

We are never alone because God’s Spirit, power, and wisdom are ever present as we obey Jesus 

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT (Romans 12:4-8; Ephesians 4:11-16)

We are created in God’s image and are gifted to serve in God’s kingdom.

We encourage people to know their unique makeup and connection to the body of Christ.

We train and send people to develop other leaders who bring joy to the city.



Vision? Let's expand on what we feel our vision is.

Where is God taking us? What are the mountaintops and milestones of Central City?


COVENANT PARTNERS reach 1% of the city (110k population) for Christ


INCARNATIONAL GROUPS - Flourishing City Groups (4 in 18 months)

Sharing their stories of God’s Spirit and salvation
Serving the needs of their neighbors
Designed to develop new leaders

TRANSFORMED CITY - Collaborative and creative ministries: deacons
City officials, business owners know and trust us
People praise God when they see families healed
Young moms and dads are mentored
People pursue sobriety and filled with the Spirit
Crime goes down where City Groups gather


YOUNGER LEADERS - 100% of our leaders invest in younger leaders
We model and mentor calm, connected leadership
We exist to support them and build them up
We resource them to pursue their unique ministries: in business, in music/arts, in the Church

What is the fruit we are asking God to grow?
We want to make disciples, develop leaders, and help plant other churches by using the gifts and fruit of the Spirit. When are we successful?



When we gather for worship in homes and all together on the Lord’s Day
When we baptize people into Christ and eat with them at his table
When we partner with at least 2 nonprofits to achieve our vision



When people trust God with their whole life
When we live as missionaries in our given contexts
When we give generously of our time and resources to extend the kingdom
When we listen to our neighbors, befriend them, serve them
When we share our stories with them after hearing theirs
When we teach people what Jesus said and did
When we obey Jesus as Lord and Savior with our whole selves
When we train and send people as ambassadors of Christ where God calls them


When we are invited into people’s homes
When we share the gospel and our lives with them
When we are known as a community of faith, hope, and love
When we see the lost found, orphans and widows cared for, and people healed
When we see joy in the city because the Spirit is drawing people to Christ
When we plant another church in the first 2-3 years

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